Paul Akinjo for Mayor


As a candidate for Lathrop Mayor, I am focused on addressing the key issues that matter most to our community. From improving local infrastructure and public safety to supporting economic growth and enhancing quality of life, I am committed to making Lathrop a better place for all residents. Here are my position on some of the most important issues facing Lathrop.


*Protecting our community is my top priority. As your Council Member, I helped establish the Lathrop Police Department as a member of the Public Safety Committee that oversees Measure C which created our Police Department and provided much needed funds to expand our Fire District Services, reduce response times and increase neighborhood patrols.

*I support the Community Policing and Engagement Initiative which combats theft, graffiti and gangs in our city. When first responders get to know the people they serve, it increases trust, collaboration and community engagement.

*As a Volunteer member to the San Joaquin County Council of Governments, I successfully lobbied for federal funding to ensure that San Joaquin County and the City of Lathrop Benefits from Federal Partnership. Especially in infrastructure buildings and maintenance Including Public Safety and Finance


*I will continue to work to enhance the quality of life for all Lathrop residents by attracting more family-wage jobs, bringing in more retail, restaurants and retail establishments so people can have the amenities we need and deserve.

*My priority is to build a new General Community and entertainment Center to enhance civic engagement in our community, upscaling our parks by creating recreational activities for residents of all ages.

*I will work to expand our health care options in Lathrop. I am working with health care providers to bring needed mental health and medical offices to our community. I currently volunteer with a local medical facility to improve Mental and Behavioral Health care outcomes and accessibility for all residents including the underserved residents.


*Expand the grade separation on Louise Avenue interchange to ease traffic congestion.

*As Lathrop’s member and Chair on the San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency, we have secured Fundings for the protection of lives and Properties including Schools and Hospitals in our area. We are currently upgrading our Sewage Plant and Maintaining, Safe, Clean, Drinking and Portable water storage for our community for the next generation while recharging our groundwater storage system.

*As a Board Director of Valley Link, we have brought Federal State and Regional Funding to Lathrop and surrounding communities to promote ridesharing and Rail Transportation System to Connect the Central Valley with the Bay Area Rapid Train System at Dublin. This will reduce congestion and commute times. Soon, we hope to bring a new Valley Link station to Lathrop.

*Combatting climate change and flooding with state and federal partners with the Overlay Assessment District which was approved with Seventy Five percent Passage by the Region.


*North Lathrop is poised to bring in new manufacturing jobs and businesses to our community. Tesla is expanding and creating more green energy jobs through its Mega Battery pack manufacturing reducing our carbon footprint.

*Wayfair and other large local employers are expanding and adding to their workforce providing high-paying local jobs – getting cars off our freeways while reducing commute times and allowing more time with family and friends is our end goal for improving Quality of lives for all in our city

*Macy’s and Bloomingdales will soon open a furniture and household production and delivery business in Lathrop that will serve the entire valley. This process is happening as I write.

*Combatting climate change and flooding with state and federal partners with the Overlay Assessment District which was approved with Seventy Five percent Passage by the Region.


*Prioritize the construction of a High-tech High School so students can get hands-on experience with computer programming, artificial intelligence, welding and electrical work to secure high-paying local jobs.

*New elementary schools will soon be built to meet the needs of our next generation. I am a strong advocate for partnering with our local School District to improve safety, access and educational outcomes.

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